Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Eighty Degrees Here in Indiana!

What a beautiful day! We're on Spring Break. No schedule to follow. And God gave us a perfect, 80-degree day!

After taking Willow to her very first dental appointment (yes, she's 5 1/2 and I've never taken her. I won't get any Mommy awards for that one.), we headed to Swinford Park in Plainfield. The park was full of Springbreakers and their moms, dads and grandparents. Absolutely gorgeous day.


  1. Aw, looks like your big girl had a good time at the dentist! Love the smiley, look-at-my-clean-teeth shot! :o) And that's a sweet shot of your little one, too! :o) (Hey, by the way...are you keeping the kids' names off your blog, or not worrying about that? Just don't want to slip in the comments if you're keeping them anonymous!)

  2. Oh, I'm going to go all wild and put my kids' names out there. :)
