Wednesday, March 31, 2010

All Grown Up

I had a sad mommy moment last night.

Fiona (who just turned four years old) woke up about midnight, came to the top of the stairs and told us she really wanted her SpongeBob blanket. No problem. Mommy to the rescue. She was in her feety pajamas, hopping back to her bedroom with her thick, short hair bouncing around and it hit me. My baby is a big girl.

This freaked me out a bit. I've never really been one to say, "Oh, I miss the baby stage." or "I wish they would stay little forever.". Truth be told, I like them being old enough to do things on their own. And ever since potty training has been done in this house, the thought of going back to 'baby' seems like a journey I wouldn't want to go on again. But it made me a bit sad to think that they only get older from here. Made me want another baby. Almost.

1 comment:

  1. WHAT?! :o) I know the feeling, though. Makes me sad to think of our kiddos growing, up, too. So sad. But I try to focus on the fact that there's something wonderful about each stage, and if we're meant to have another one, we will. :o) You have two beautiful little girls...something to be happy about, for sure!

    BTW, love the blog name! :o)
